Our community has contributed a lot of information that was helpful in making this Guide to Emotions. This Guide is huge and could not be done so well by myself alone.
They may also lead to fights and other 'negative' events that may be interesting to players. They, too, can unlock special interactions with objects and other Sims that allow a Sim to blow off steam or ease their tension. However, for storytellers and people who enjoy watching their Sims without major regard for how fast they can do things, negative emotions may just be another nuance in the day to day life of Sims. If they go too far, they can cause a Sim's death - so we'll discuss soothing those in this guide. While most of us will strive to give our Sims positive Emotions to improve their performance, negative Emotions happen. They can also be negative and limit the things a Sim can do, such as when Uncomfortable and needing sleep.
Emotions can boost Sims' performance in Skills, Careers, Social, and Romantic Interactions. The Sims 4 brings with it the Emotions system. The Sims 4 Emotions Emotion System Mechanics, Moods, and How to get Sims Feeling Each Learn all you need to know about Emotions in this Guide